Friday 20 May 2011

Review: Eona by Alison Goodman

Source: Received ARC from Penguin Canada for an honest review
Publisher: Penguin Group
Release Date: Already Released

I just posted my review for Eon yesterday, so today I thought I would share my love for it's sequel, EONA! I also just have to say that I love that this series only has two books, there are just so many books that have tonnes of sequels, that I found this series very refreshing. :D

Now let me just say that I really liked Eon, but I LOVED Eona! The action became more intense in this one, and since Eona could actually be Eona and didn't have to pretend to be Eon anymore the story just got even better because she didn't have to hide who she was anymore...or at least not as much. ;)

I loved Eona's character in Eon, but she was even better in Eona...she was a little lost, but I loved that she was actually growing into herself. I especially loved Kygo in this one! Kygo and Eona's relationship was one of my favourite parts of Eona, and once again, I loved the dragon parts! Ido really stood out in this book too, especially since he was the only one Eona could really turn to when it came to dragon stuff in this one. Lady Dela and Ryko were awesome in this one too! Although action is a huge part of this story, I feel like the characters are the ones that carry it, and they do a fantastic job! This book is over 600 pages long, and reading about Eona and the other characters made this an incredibly enjoyable book to read!

This book was action-packed and intense, and I know that if you haven't read Eon you wouldn't have read Eona, but even if you haven't read Eon yet, are you thinking about getting into this series? Again, I recommend this series to people who love dragons, magic, and stories with fascinating historical backgrounds!

If you like dragons raise your hand...okay you don't really have to do that, but I do suggest that you read this series! :D

Happy Reading!!!

♪♫ Ambur

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